One of the fastest and most efficient ways to promote your business online everyday and establish yourself as an expert is to create and deliver amazing content.
Content in today’s market is the currency that customers use to determine whether or not they will enter into relationships with you. Whether they know, like, and trust you, and whether or not they will exchange your products and services for their hard earned cash.
When you create content about your products and services you are not only introducing customers to an experience with you, you are inviting them to DO business with you. In which case you want to be sure your time and efforts aren’t wasted, that’s why it’s important to not only create quality content but content that turns into conversions and adds to your business bottom line.

Here are 4 steps you can take right now to make sure your content not only reaches your ideal customer but helps them move on looker to customer quickly.
Create Content that Speaks to your Customer not Just About your Product – Too many times when people create content they speak only of themselves, their customers, their products. This is a complete turnoff for someone being introduced to you for the first time. The goal is to be conversational, build a relationship, and peak potential customers interest. You can do this by telling stories or engaging tales of your business or brand. Provide demonstrations or how-to’s.
Provide Reciprocity- Ever heard the old saying give and you will receive. Well the same is true in the content marketing world. The more you give the more your clients will give back to you and the cycle just continues. Don’t be afraid to give away the good stuff, the best part of your content, the things they could take and apply that would ultimately change their lives. When you are giving your best away, it always peaks the interest. If this is what I get for free, then imagine what happens when I invest. Give your best away and watch it return to you over and over again.
Connect to Collect – I say this all the time! You have to connect with people to collect from people. It’s not enough to simply create content, there must be passion, emotion, and connection behind your stories, blogs, videos, testimonials. It’s a lot more than sharing information, it’s about cross connecting on a deeper level. When you engage with your customers with emotion and vulnerability that is where the know, like, and trust factor begins to form. When clients like you and trust you their investment in you comes with ease.
Include Compelling Headline- The attention span of the average adult is around 8 secs. Yes, eight! Couple that with social media, ads, and other distraction and it maybe a bit lower. With that being said it’s imperative that you catch the attention of your buyers immediately. Creating compelling headlines that are solution oriented and highly engaging are important. Be sure to split test your headlines and run them by some friends or peers if you can. Stay away from catchy phrases that don’t speak to the truth of the content, being clear and concise is just as important as being engaging.
Now that you have a starting point you can begin to add some more spice to your content. Always be sure to include a call to action that leads customers into a funnel or engaging sequence that continues that relationship far beyond the content piece.