Starting a Business…What’s Your Why?

If you have followed me for some time you know that one of the things I really value above all else is family. Along with the fact that I felt undervalued as an educator, they (my family) were at the top of my list when it came to reasons I left the traditional workplace for […]

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How to Diversify to Increase Revenue in your Business

About 6 months ago, I did a real survey of my business.  A Business Spring Clean is what I like to call it and I typically do one every year.  The purpose of the spring clean is to take an assessment of where I am and align with where I would like to go. During this inventory, I take […]

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4 Ways to Build Confidence as a Mompreneur

  Balancing business and family life is no easy task. There are times when it seems like everything runs smoothly and other times when it seems as though everything runs amuck. While most mompreneurs have strong qualities of organization, resilience, & risk-taking, confidence is the most needed quality to run a successful business. Studies show […]

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