Marketing and Sales are the tipping point of any business. No matter the product or service without marketing and sales you have zero revenue which results in zero profit. I know that people spend time on brand colors and all the pretty little things but have you ever known a highly successful person with a […]
small business
3 Ways to Beat the Competition in your Industry
One of the many things that really holds people back from launching their dream business is the thought that their are too many competitors or the market is saturated. I’ve had plenty of women tell me time and time again that their are far too many people doing what they dream of so they choose […]
3 Reasons Why You Aren’t Making Money in Your Business
There’s a simple saying that goes a little something like this, “If your business isn’t making a profit, it isn’t a business, its an expensive hobby.” Too many entrepreneurs are in this position at this very moment. They have created an expensive hobby and they desperately trying to convince others that its worth a try […]